Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our Angel Baby needs your prayers!

I just wanted to post a quick note about my latest grandchild. She was born a week ago wednsday and mom was about 6 1/2 months. She weighed in a 2.9 lbs and is now in the Pedi ICU. She is not doing very well. They were tube feeding her untill tuesday when they tried to up her feedings by an oz. She had blood in her diaper the next morning. They shut off the feedings and did some X-rays and discovered she had an infection in her stomach. She is now on TPN for feeding, that is a high concentrated IV feeding. Her veins kept blowing so last night they put in a central line IV that is going into one of the main arteries of the heart. She has become listless and we are waiting patiently for her to pull through this. In the last 3 days she has had 2 blood transfusions.

I would like for anyone who reads my blog to please say prayers for her. She is so tiny and is fighting so hard to live.



Candace said...

My prayers are with you and your family, the doctors, and especially your precious grandbaby.
I pray this is a corner she is turning and she will thrive.

BetsyE said...

You and your whole family are in our prayers.

Rebecca said...

sending up a very large prayer for your very tiny baby.

the precious little one is exactly the reason i am such a devoted donor.

Jeanette said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your little one and her parents.

Just to give you some hope. I had twin boys at 29 weeks. When my twins were about two weeks old the smaller one (2.8 lbs at birth) was fighting a severe infection. His heart stopped four times in 12 hours and we made the horrible decision to "Not take extreme measures" to save his life if his heart stopped again.

He is now nine years old. A little small for his age, but very healthy and very normal little boy. He is smart and does quite well in school.

They call it the NICU roller coaster because that is exactly what it is. One day they are doing great and the next day you are terrified at how poorly they are doing but the good news is, before you know it, they are doing great again.

So don't loose hope, there are a lot of us out there pulling for her.

Jeanette said...

Sorry, I didn't realize how old this post was. I was too busy looking at all your pictures LOL