Monday, August 25, 2008


Well I have been busy trying to get several UFO's finished the last few days. I got online during the weekend and found another lovely blog doing a GIVEAWAY! She has opened a new shop and is giving something away all week. One is a very lovely pattern for " Dancing Flowers."

I hope that anyone reading my blog will mosy her way and check it out.

Grandkids started school today and were very excited to be back. The preemie is finally at home with her mama but she is not eating well so had to have a feeding tube put in her stomach. Doctors are saying that there is a good chance she will either have cerabel palsey or mental retardation. I am keeping her in my nightly prayers that our Heavenly Father will watch out for her and she will grow up without the disability but either was she will be thorougly loved by all of her family. I have not seen her since leaving the hospital but will try to post a picture as soon as I do. I need to get to work on a quilt for her now.

This last weekend we were busy getting our bikes ready to ride and with PaPa's help we finally got on the road. Here is a picture of my first family bike ride with the grandkids. PaPa is to lazy to go.

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