Friday, April 18, 2014
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Well it has been quite awhile since I have posted on here and those of you who follow probablly want to know what has been up. Well, I have a new granddaughter from my son Jason and his new wife Ashley. Her name is Zoe Lynn Brinkley and she is a little doll. That is my son in the picture holding her.
I just finished up making an apron for the Flirty Apron Swap, this time it was a theme of Hawaii. I forgot to take a picture but as soon as my partner posts a pic I will steal it and put it on here. I chose a difficult apron and had to remake it but I think it turned out ok.
If you will look to the left I am joining the Bead Soup Blog party in which we send out a certain amt of beads to our partner and they will send me some. I then take what they have sent and make a neclace for myself and on the day of the blog party we all will post a picture of our jewelry. It sounds like fun.
It has been at and above the 100's temp wise for almost 6 wks now and having a water cooler is not the coolest way to go. My house stays in the 80's most of the day. I am so looking forward to Fall and than Winter.
Take care my friends.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
GIVEAWAY at The Girlhood Home Companion
I wanted to write and tell all my readers about a really neat website. It is The Girlhood Home Companion Magazine and They are haveing a giveaway. ( This is a wonderful magazine that celebrates the Mother and Daughter relationship in a very sweet Chritian setting. They will be
giving away one of their magazines to 3 different ladies.
Also if you link to them like I did you will get a free pattern designed by another online friend of mine Linda Stubbs from Prairie Flower Farm. I put a picture of it above.
So hop on over and put your name in the hat, I have.
Friday, March 18, 2011

Man I can't believe I have been so neglectful of my blog lately. Well hopefully I will remedy that with my new Knitting KAL. I have signed up with "Firefly" Owner of the ever popular "I live on a Farm" blog, to do a KAL (knit along) on a summer blanket she is designing as we go along. It is alot like a Quilt Along but with this she is designing as we go. I have completed the first step which is a pretty seed stitch border. She just informed us that we will need to have a cable needle available because she will have a little cable running up alongside each of the 2 side borders.
This is going to be so fun. To me it is more like a Mystery KAL as each step is a new surprise. I have chosen a lovely Butter yellow collor and so far I like how it is looking, even though there is not a lot to look at yet.
Spring has sprung here in the Texas Panhandle and I have bought some Rosemary and Basil to plant in some pretty yellow planters. Do you see a theme going here? Yes, Yellow is one of my favorite colors the others being Red and Green.
I have included a picture of my starting seed stitch border for the Kal. If you have not visited Fireflys blog you need to go see it. She has some really pretty knitting patterns and a couple of freebies also. ( )
Take care to all my blog watchers
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I finished this shawl in November and it was given to a new friend in Houston as a thank you for letting me stay with her during the Houston International Quilt Festival. I thought it turned out really pretty. I am in the process of knitting a new one right now and this one is going to be FOR ME! I will post pictures in the next day or two cause I am right at the finish place.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Photo 365 days

I joined a group over on Ravelry where we journal the year with a photo a day so this will be my first post. I am posting a pic of my sweet grand-daughter Savannah eating a creation she learned about from her favorite show " I Carly." Believe it or not it is a Spaghetti Taco. Thats one thing I love about her, she is not afraid to try something new. In her words " It's great Nana, ya gotta try it!" No thanks, doesnt look that good to me.
Friday, December 24, 2010

Well, I am not going to try to explain my absence, lets just say that LIFE GOT IN THE WAY. I plan to start the New Year on a new note and try to be more faithful to the 21 people who follow this Blog. Man you guys are all glutens for punishment aren't you?
At the left I posted pictures from last years snow, none to come for this year so far. Just really cold weather and wicked wind. We had a good day today, spent it with my Hubbys brother and wife. Kids got to open presents and eat some good food and then it was home to watch more Christmas programming with the kids. I plan to put them in bed early so I can rest before tomorrows Mayhem.
Hope all you guys are having a wonderful holiday season and have a Very Merry Christmas with family and friends.
Barbara and the gang! ! !
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